This is an affiliated group of the Society for International Folk Dancing (SIFD).
7.30 - 9.15pm Friday
Goring U.R. Church Hall, corner of Barrington Road and
Shaftesbury Avenue, Goring, Worthing.
Helen Doswell 01903 535366
Mary Kimber 01903 690165, email
Club email:
Worthing Dance International is an international folk dancing club that enjoys a variety of dance styles. The
regular weekly sessions are an opportunity to learn, dance and enjoy dances from around the world. Club sessions
include dances for all energy levels. Members occasionally entertain in "costume" at local events. Partners not needed.
Occasionally guest teachers are invited to teach dances from one or more countries in which they specialise. The variety
of music is inspiring. We learn new dances plus nuances of the style and steps of the different countries which adds to the
enjoyment and excitement of the dances. Why not come back to International Folk Dancing or give it a try if you have never
tried it! You will be very welcome.